1. 称重物品将如何收费?
How will I be charged for weighed items?
Weighed items such as produce, meat and seafood have fixed weights in their description with a price based on this fixed weight. You may only order in multiples of these weights. If you want to order less than the weight's stock, you can use ADDTIONAL STOCK( NOT ON WEB) to place order, and then remark what and how much stock you've ordered in note bar on CARTPAGE.
After picking your order, we will weigh your items and calculate the true cost using the actual weight and the quoted price per kg. We will only ever adjust the final cost downwards if we have picked less weight than you have ordered. You will receive the difference in a separate refund.
2. 我可以订购的订单金额最低限额是多少?有免运费吗? What is the minimum order amount I can order? Any free delivery choice?
任意金额起送,25公里内,满$150免运费; 25-35公里内,满$200免运费。
No minimum requires, no delivery cost when over $150 within 25km range; free delivery if over $200 within 25-35km range.
3. 我的新鲜鱼和肉将会如何保存?How will my fresh meat and fish be saved ?
Your meat will be packed on 1 day before delivery day or on delivery day then place into freezer so we can prevent items from blood pollution, please inform us to pack separately if your stock is less than 2kg, otherwise we will collect in 1 bag only. Your fish will be delivered on Wednesday or Saturday morning from KFL DONCASTER fish shop with fresh quality, and we may place in freezer for a while to prevent item from blood pollution, then put a few ice in bag to keep the temperature.
3. 我可否修改已付款的订单?Can I change my order after submitting and paying?
Currently we are unable to adjust your order after payment. We apologise and are looking to include this feature.
4. 如果某些物品缺货,你们将会重新交付吗? If some items are out of stock will you re-deliver the item?
If an item is out of stock, we will send you an updated order invoice and we will not charge you for that item. To get these items, you will need to place another order or you are welcome to visit our store.
5. 如果我的订单中缺少物品该怎么办? What can I do if there is an item missing from my order?
如果您的订单中缺少物品而且并没有显示缺货在您的发票上,请您联系我们,电话:03 9894 0831 或 kflonline@laybrothers.com.au
auIf an item you have ordered is missing and was not listed as out of stock on your invoice, please contact us on 03 9894 0831 or kflonline@laybrothers.com.au.
1. 若不满免运费额度,我的运输费用是多少? How much will delivery cost if my subtotal is less than the free delivery minimum?
$8: 总金额大于$120少于$150。
$10: 总金额大于$150少于$200。
If you are the customer who lives within 25km range, here's the rules:
$15: Subtotal is less than $80.
$10: Subtotal is less than $120 but more than $80.
$8: Subtotal is less than $150 but more than $120.
If you are the customer who lives within 25-35km range, here's the rules:
$20: Subtotal is less than $120.
$15: Subtotal is less than $150 but more than $120.
$10: Subtotal is less than $200 but more than $150.
2. 运输地区有哪些? Where do you deliver to?
一般是离达成FOREST HILL超市实际路程35公里范围内.
Normally 35km on road distance from KFL Forest Hill store.
3.我的订单什么时候送货?When will my order be delivered?
Our delivery arrangment is every SATURDAY.
4. 我如何收到我的订单? How do I receive my delivery?
In light of the current situation with COVID-19, we will be providing unattended deliveries. To prepare for a safe delivery we ask that you ensure secure access to your property including a safe path of travel and that dogs and other animals are secured.
5. 如果订单送达时我不在家怎么办? What if I am not home?
We will attempt to contact you on the telephone number provided with the order. If you do not respond we will leave the items at the delivery address in the most suitable location we can find near the front door. Unfortunately, we cannot provide any guarantees for loss or damage after this point.
6. 冷冻和冷藏产品如何交付? How will chilled or frozen items get delivered?
During transport we will ensure that the chilled and frozen items are kept in an appropriately insulated and cooled environment. Once the items have been safely delivered it will be the responsibility of the customer to ensure it is stored safely.
1. 我的订单显示已退还一部分金额,但是我的银行对账单显示我被全额收取了费用,我是不是被错误的收取了费用?My invoice shows I was refunded an amount but my bank statement shows I was charged the full amount, have I been wrongly charged?
您的订单显示您交易的准确金额,通过在线银行系统退款需要时间,具体取决于 卡和银行的类型,通常,退款需要5个工作日,但在某些情况下可能需要更长的时间。对于大多数客户而言,交易将显示为“待处理”,直到退款完成为止。之后您的对账单将显示已更正的实收费用。
Your invoice is the accurate record of the transaction. Refunds through the online banking system take time depending on the type of card and the bank. Typically, refunds take 5 business days but can take longer in some cases. For most customers the transaction will appear as “pending” until the refund is completed, after which your statement will show the corrected charge.
2. 如果我想退货怎么办? What if I want to return something?
Items delivered damaged, soiled or otherwise not fit for purpose will be refunded or replaced in full.
For change of mind refunds, the item must be returned to the store in its original saleable condition. If required, cost of additional shipping will be charged to the customer.
To ensure food safety requirements are met, all perishable items cannot not be returned due to a change of mind.
Refunds cannot be accepted after 15 days from date of purchase.
If requested, a copy of the receipt or tax invoice must be produced to qualify for a refund.
About Us

Mon - Sat: 8AM - 8PM
Sunday: 9AM - 7PM
Phone: (03) 9894 0831
Email: kflonline@laybrothers.com.au
Address: 293 - 295 Canterbury Rd,
Forest Hill 3131 VIC